GHRDC Ranks GIBS Business School Among India’s Elite BBA Colleges in 2024

GHRDC Ranked GIBS Business School as One of India’s Elite BBA Colleges in 2024

In an age when business education is constantly shifting, GIBS Business School has made an impressionful mark in Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programs. We take great pleasure in sharing that we have been recognized by Global Human Resource Development Center (GHRDC) as one of the top BBA colleges for 2024!

GIBS Business School of Bangalore, Karnataka has achieved national prominence among BBA colleges by being named among the top five, ranking fifth in Karnataka and sixth in South India respectively. This recognition speaks volumes of GIBS Business School’s dedication and support of its students by offering top-tier education in an environment conducive to growth.


GHRDC Rankings Provide Insight into Growth Market Potential

GHRDC rankings are highly esteemed among academics and business educators alike, particularly within business education. Their evaluation criteria encompass faculty quality, infrastructure, student care services, potential to network opportunities, placement statistics and overall performance statistics of institutions ranked. Securing one of these ranks signifies not just academic excellence but holistic development opportunities that colleges provide their students.


Why GIBS Stands Out

GIBS Business School stands out with its distinctive approach to education. Not only does its focus lie in academic rigor but also practical real-world applications and its curriculum is dynamic to meet today’s ever-evolving business environment – thus equipping its students not just for participation but leadership in business environments.

GIBS emphasizes the development of soft skills like leadership, communication and teamwork as critical elements in today’s business environment. Furthermore, this school offers numerous extracurricular activities including internships, workshops, guest lectures and international exposure programs designed to enrich student learning and experiences.


Student Support and Infrastructure

At GIBS, students have access to state-of-the-art facilities that enhance their educational journey. Our campus boasts modern classrooms, an acclaimed library, advanced computer labs and comfortable living accommodations; each facility providing students with an environment which fosters both their academic growth and personal development.

Student Support at GIBS goes far beyond academic counseling alone. With career services and counseling to assist with career planning and path finding, GIBS plays a vital role in equipping its students for today’s competitive job market and has consistently high placement rates as evidenced by consistently high placement rates at its school.


Success of Placement and Industry Connections

One of the key strengths of GIBS lies in its robust placement cell that has close ties with industry. Every year, top companies visit campus to hire graduates due to the quality and rigorous preparation they receive from GIBS students. Graduates find employment with respected national and international firms where they leverage their newly gained skills and knowledge.


Looking Ahead

Being recognized by GHRDC as one of the premier BBA colleges in India marks not just an achievement, but is also an inspiration and motivator for GIBS Business School to continue pushing boundaries of business education. It reaffirms their mission of producing world-class leaders who can overcome global business challenges head on.

Prospective students aspiring to a career in business should look no further than GIBS as it offers the perfect blend of excellence, innovation and an engaging learning environment to help make an impressionful impression in business world.



Becoming an esteemed institution can be a challenging journey, yet GHRDC’s ranking of GIBS Business School among the top educational institutions exemplifies their dedication to outstanding business education. By setting a high standard through innovation and leadership, GIBS sets an excellent precedent for education that not only instructs but also inspires its students.


GIBS Business School, recognized as the top BBA placement college in Bangalore, stands out in higher education, where many young minds are being molded, as a beacon of hope guiding students toward successful careers in a fast-changing business world. GHRDC’s honor bestowing this recognition on us is a well-deserved acknowledgment of GIBS’ constant pursuit of excellence.