GIBS School of Youth Leadership (SoYL)

GIBS School of Youth Leadership (SoYL)

The GIBS School of Youth Leadership (SoYL) strives to empower young individuals as leaders of tomorrow. We equip students with skills, knowledge and experiences necessary for leading in our rapidly shifting world; creating new generations of innovative yet ethical leaders in turn.

Practices under GIBS School of Youth Leadership (SoYL)

  1. Leadership Training Programs: Comprehensive programs that cover essential leadership skills, including communication, decision-making, and strategic thinking.
  2. Mentorship and Guidance: Personalized mentorship from experienced leaders and industry experts to support students’ growth and development.
  3. Experiential Learning: Participating in hands-on projects, internships or community service events to gain hands-on leadership experience is another form of mentoring support available for young leaders.
  4. Workshops and Seminars: Engaging workshops and seminars featuring guest speakers from diverse fields on current leadership trends, challenges and opportunities are held regularly.
  5. Peer Collaboration: Promoting peer collaboration among students by organizing team projects and leadership exercises designed to build teamwork and networking abilities.

Benefits for Students

  1. Acquire strong leadership abilities and gain insight into effective practices of leadership.
  2. Exhibit confidence, resilience, and the capacity for adaptability when dealing with diverse and challenging environments.
  3. Be equipped with the tools they need to drive innovation and positive change within their organizations and communities, whilst possessing an ongoing leadership journey supported by peers and mentors.
  4. To be ready to assume leadership roles both corporate and entrepreneurial settings, making an immediate and significant impactful statement about themselves and their respective fields.


GIBS School of Youth Leadership (SoYL) equips young individuals with essential leadership skills and experiences. By way of comprehensive training programs, personalized mentorship, experiential learning opportunities, collaboration opportunities, regular workshops with industry experts to gain insights into current leadership trends as well as graduate support networks of peers and mentors, SoYL graduates emerge with capable leadership abilities ready to make meaningful impacts both professionally and entrepreneurially within organizations and their local communities. Through its holistic approach GIBS ensures its graduates excel as leaders fostering positive change within both.

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