GIBS School of Interdisciplinary Research (SIDR)

GIBS School of Interdisciplinary Research (SIDR)

The GIBS School of Interdisciplinary Research (SIDR) is dedicated to fostering innovative research that transcends traditional academic boundaries. Our mission is to create a dynamic environment where students and faculty collaborate on groundbreaking research, addressing complex global challenges and contributing to the advancement of knowledge across various disciplines.

Practices under GIBS School of Interdisciplinary Research (SIDR)

  1. Collaborative Research Projects: Promoting interdepartmental projects which draw expertise from various fields together in order to address real world issues.
  2. Research Methodology Training: Offering extensive instruction in advanced research methodologies, data analysis techniques and critical thinking abilities.
  3. Workshops and Seminars: Hosting regular workshops and seminars with leading researchers and industry experts to share insights and foster knowledge exchange.
  4. Publication and Presentation Support: Offering guidance and resources for students to publish their research in reputed journals and present their findings at national and international conferences.
  5. Innovation Labs: Offering access to cutting-edge labs and research facilities that support experimental and applied research initiatives.

Benefits for Students

  1. Gain a comprehensive knowledge of interdisciplinary research methodologies and their applications.
  2. Strengthen collaboration across academic and professional fields effectively.
  3. Produce high-impact research that addresses complex global challenges and contributes to societal advancement.
  4. Enhance their critical thinking and analytical skills, preparing them for leadership roles in academia, industry, and policy-making.
  5. Join a network of innovative researchers committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and driving positive change.


GIBS Interdisciplinary Research School equips its students to engage in innovative, cross-disciplinary research that addresses global challenges. Students participate in collaborative projects, advanced methodology training sessions, publication support, and presentation support – allowing them to build powerful research and analytical capabilities. Students gain access to state-of-the-art labs and are mentored by leading experts. Graduates leave equipped to lead academia, industry or policy-making settings while making societal advancement and driving positive change forward – this holistic approach ensures GIBS students excel both professionally and academic pursuits while pushing knowledge forwards.

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